
  Water Cherenkov detector
      Number of photoelectrons were:
          57.4±0.5 (H6522×2)
          39.7±0.4 (H11284×1)
      Cap design for window test was done.
      Simulation with Geant4 is in progress.
  Effective speed of light in S-2S TOF detector:
  1.57±0.01 m/s
  → Path length is effectively longer by 20%. 

S.Kanatsuki (pptx)

      Matching of ADC card with a connector of the chamber is confirmed.
      Design is almost completed.
      HV line of center part will be separated from others.
  Magnetic field calculation for Q2 magnet with Opera-3D(TOSCA)
      Comparison of a measured magnetic field (2500 A) with a TOSCA calculation with current of 2700 A.
        --> Still the calculation is less than the measurement.
      Found asymmetry in y-axis which might be caused by a platform of magnetic field measurement. → Need to be confirmed in further study with TOSCA.
  Simulation for PRE-E05 experiment with SKSMinus
      Background rate from K- beam decay:
      10-3 [/K-]
      (Dominant source is π+)
      Background rate from reactions will be studied.


  Pre-meeting with E13 group: 2014/11/13 or 14 ?
  Next S-2S meeting: 2014/11/18 (Tue) 10:30-
  K1.8 beam time meeting: 2014/11/19 (Wed)IMPORTANT!!!