



pdf file

  • About 3D CAD drawing of S-2S magnet
    • About installation of Autodesk Inventor Professional.
    • 3D CAD file made by T.Takahashi was uploaded.
  • Web page of a text experiment for prototype WC detector @ELPE has been updated.
  • Missing mass resolution simulation with CH2 target
    • Effect of decayed particles on the energy loss correction of missing mass is being estimated (Coding is in progress).



  • Mente Carlo simulation study of tracking detectors (Geant4)
    • Material + gas + (upstream) Drift Chamber + (downstream) Drift Chamber: dp/p = 5×10-4 (FWHM)
    • Material + gas + (upstream) Fiber scintillator + (downstream) Drift Chamber: dp/p = 6×10-4 (FWHM)
      • Better momentum resolution is achievable with drift chambers than fiber scintillator.
    • (note1: Effects of wires of the drift chambers were not taken into account in the simulation.)
    • (note2: These results are for particles with momenta of 1.375 GeV/c.)
  • Anglular resolution: 2 mrad (FWHM)
  • Drift chambers (upstream)
    • Location need to be checked.
    • Repair @IQBRC ? / Construction ?
    • Need to confirm required size.
  • PVAC (Aerogel Cerenkov detector for Proton Veto)
  • Momentum and angular distributions of protons from elastic scattering
    • S-2S: protons from the elastic scattering are out of the acceptance.
    • SKSMinus: protons from the elastic scattering are in the acceptance.
  • S-2S acceptance (map) for production points around target (x,y and z)


  • 水チェレンコフ検出器試作機のELPHにおけるテスト実験のデータ解析
    • In progress.
  • Preparation for presentation in Hawai meeting.
    • Rough overview will be prepared by next week.


  • Next S-2S regular meeting: 8/27 (水) 10:30-
  • BBQ: 8/22 (金) 18:00-21:00 @理学研究科5号館 中庭
  • Indian summer school in Prague, Czech Republic (9/3 - 9/7)
meeting_memo/s-2s_meeting_20140820.txt · 最終更新: 2018/09/25 02:05 by kanatsuki