Polarized Proton Commissioning Run 2000


Haixin Huang

Brookhaven National Lab


The recent year-2000 polarized proton commissioning run is summarized in@this presentation. The AGS vertical RF dipole performed well in overcoming the intrinsic resonances. The ratio of final polarization vs the input polarization is estimated as 70%, improved from 55% years ago. The horizontal RF dipole was tried the first time to overcome both intrinsic and coupling resonance at 36+nu. It is demonstrated that in a full-coupled machine, the vertical coherence can be excited by using a horizontal RF dipole. No obvious improvement of beam polarization by using the horizontal RF dipole vs. vertical RF dipole is observed. But it looks promising and we plan to test it again in the future. RHIC p-Carbon CNI polarimeter worked beautifully. The RHIC snake magnets rotate spin to the expected direction as demonstrated by the polarimeter. The polarized proton beam has been accelerated in RHIC and the polarization is maintained up to 31 GeV.