• Polarized Ion and Electron Sources
  • Yukawa Institute

    Presentation files is available here.
    Tuesday, October 3
    Gun operation
    14:00 Welcome
    Chairperson J.E. Clendenin
    14:10 Kurt Aulenbacher (Mainz) Polarized Electron Source Operation at Average Currents of Several mA abstract
    14:40 Masahiro Yamamoto (Nagoya) High Density Beam Extraction from GaAs/GaAsP Superlattice Photocathode abstract
    15:10 Maren Eberhardt (Bonn) The 50 keV Source of Polarized Electrons at ELSA: Past and Future abstract
    15:40 Joseph Grames (JLAB) Further Measurements of Photocathode Operational Lifetime at Beam Intensity > 1 mA Using the CEBAF 100 kV DC GaAs Photogun abstract
    16:10 break
    Chairperson T.Nakanishi
    16:30 Takashi Maruyama (SLAC) Polarization Possibilities of Small Spin-Orbit Interaction in Strained-Superlattice Photocathodes abstract
    17:00 Katerina Ioakeimidi (SLAC) Transport Mechanisms in Polarized Semiconductor Photocathodes abstract
    Thursday, October 5
    Chairperson T.Maruyama
    14:00 Makoto Kuwahara (Nagoya) Spin-Polarized Electrons Extracted from GaAs Tips Using Field Emission abstract
    14:30 Yuri Mamaev (State Polytechnic, St. Petersburg) Improved Superlattices for Spin-Polarized Electron Sources abstract
    Low Emittance pol.e source
    Chairperson M.Yamamoto
    15:00 James E.Clendenin (SLAC) Low Emittance Guns for the ILC Polarized Electron Beam abstract
    15:30 Naoto Yamamoto (Nagoya) Initial Emittance Measurements for Polarized Electron Gun with NEA-GaAs Type Photocathode abstract
    Friday, October 6
    Pol.e source for SPLEEM
    Chairperson M. Kuriki
    14:00 Tsuneo Yasue (Osaka E. C. Univ.) Surface imaging with low energy electrons and application of spin polarized electrons abstract
    14:30 Shoji Okumi (Nagoya) Development of the New Type PES for SPLEEM abstract
    Pol.e+,e- source for ILC
    Chairperson M. Kuriki
    15:00 Axel Brachmann (SLAC) The Polarized Electron Source for the International Linear Collider (ILC) Project abstract
    15:30 Tsunehiko Omori (KEK) Laser-Based Polarized Positron Source for ILC abstract
    16:00 Peter Schuler (DESY) The E166 Experiment: Undulator-Based Production of Polarized Positrons abstract
    16:30 break
    16:45 ILC polarized e- e+ source meeting
    Joseph Grames (JLAB) Status of the Jefferson Lab Polarized Electron Beam Program abstract
    John S.Roberts (Sheffield) Enhancement of Spin-Polarized Electron Emission from Strain-Compensated AlInGaAs-GaAsP Superlattices abstract
    Atsushi Mano (Nagoya) Laser focusing system to produce high-brightness polarized electron beam for SPLEEM abstract
    Takanori Morino (Nagoya) Polarized Electron Beam from Single Pyramid-Shape GaAs Fabricated by Anisotropic Wet Etching abstract
    Gudrid. A. Moorgat-Pick (CERN) Status of the HeLiCal Contribution to the Polarized Positron Source for the International Linear Collider abstract
    Hirokazu Kawamura (Rikkyo) Development of a New Drift Chamber based Mott Polarimeter abstract

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