H. Ekawa
Double hypernuclei experiment with hybrid emulsion method at J-PARC (poster)
2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC, Tsukuba, June 12--15, 2014
H. Ekawa
Double hypernuclei experiment with hybrid emulsion method (J-PARC E07)
Fourth Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and The Physical Society of Japan (HAWAII 2014), Hawaii, Oct. 7--11, 2014
H. Ekawa
Experimental study of double hypernuclei with hybrid emulsion method at J-PARC
Workshop on Progress on J-PARC hadron physics in 2014, Tokai, Nov. 30--Dec. 02, 2014
Current status of double hypernuclear experiment at J-PARC
Observation of the ''K$^-$pp''-like structure in the d($\pi$$^+$,K$^+$) reaction at 1.69 GeV/c
Y.~Ichikawa, T.~Nagae, H.~Fujioka, H.~Ekawa, S.~Kanatsuki, M.~Naruki, M.~Niiyama {\em et al.}
PTEP 2015, 021D01 (2015).
Inclusive spectrum of the d($\pi^+$, K$^+$) reaction at 1.69 GeV/c
Y.~Ichikawa, T.~Nagae, H.~Ekawa, H.~Fujioka, S.~Kanatsuki, M.~Naruki, M.~Niiyama, Y.~Nozawa {\em et al.}
PTEP 2014, 101D03 (2014).
H. Ekawa
$K^-pp$ search experiment in the $d(\pi^+,K^+)$ reaction at J-PARC
YITP international workshop on Hadron in Nucleus, YITP, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2013
H. Ekawa
Double hypernuclei experiment at J-PARC (E07) (poster)
International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics ( SNP School 2014 ), Feb. 13-19, 2014, Tokai/Sendai, Japan
ダブルハイパー核実験(J-PARC E07)の準備状況
Search for Pentaquark $\Theta^+$ in Hadronic Reaction at J-PARC
M. Naruki, S. Adachi, H. Ekawa, H. Fujioka, Y. Ichikawa, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, M. Niiyama, Y. Nozawa, H. Sugimura, N. Tomida {\em et al.}
Few-Body Syst., {\bf 54}, 2013
Search for the $\Theta^+$ pentaquark at J-PARC
M. Moritsu, S. Adachi, H. Ekawa, H. Fujioka, Y. Ichikawa, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, M. Naruki, M. Niiyama, Y. Nozawa, H. Sugimura, N. Tomida {\em et al.}
Nucl. Phys. A, {\bf 914}, 2013
J-PARC E27 Experiment to Search for a Nuclear Kaon Bound State $K^{-}pp$
Y. Ichikawa, H. Ekawa, H. Fujioka, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, M. Naruki, M. Niiyama, Y. Nozawa, H. Sugimura {\em et al.}
Few Body Syst., {\bf 54}, 2013
H. Ekawa
Search for $K^{-}pp$ bound state in the $d(\pi^{+}, K^{+})$ reaction at J-PARC
International Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics (SNP12), Neyagawa, 8/27/2012
H. Ekawa
$K^{-}pp$ bound state search at J-PARC (E27)
The 2nd Korea-Japan Workshop on Nuclear and Hadron Physics at J-PARC, Pusan, Korea, 9/24/2012
H. Ekawa
Range counter system for a $K^{-}pp$ bound state search (poster)
The 11th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2012), Barcelona, Spain, 10/2/2012
江川 弘行
日本物理学会2012年秋季大会, 京都産業大学, 9/12/2012
江川 弘行
日本物理学会2013年春季大会, 広島大学, 3/26/2013
Pentaquark $\Theta^{+}$ search experiment using pion beam at J-PARC
M. Moritsu, S. Adachi, H. Ekawa, H. Fujioka, Y. Ichikawa, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, M. Niiyama, Y. Nozawa, H. Sugimura, A.O. Tokiyasu, N. Tomida et al.
to be published in Genshikaku Kenkyu Suppl. (2013)
Pentaquark $\Theta^{+}$ search experiment using pion beam at J-PARC
M. Moritsu, S. Adachi, H. Ekawa, H. Fujioka, Y. Ichikawa, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, M. Niiyama, Y. Nozawa, H. Sugimura, A.O. Tokiyasu, N. Tomida et al.
to be published in Genshikaku Kenkyu Suppl. (2013)
Search for $K^-pp$ bound state in the $d(\pi^+,K^+)$ reaction at J-PARC
H. Ekawa, H. C. Bhang, S. Bufalino, P. Evtoukhovitch, A.Feliciello, H. Fujioka, S. Hasegawa, S. Hayakawa, R. Honda, K. Hosomi, Y. IchikawaA, K. Imai, S. Ishimoto, C. W. Joo, S. Kanatsuki, R. Kiuchi, T. Koike, H. Kumawat, Y. Matsumoto, K. Miwa, M. Moritsu, T. Nagae, M. Naruki, M. Niiyama, Y. Nozawa, R. Ota, B. J. Roy, A. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samoilov, S. Sato, K. Shirotori, H. SugimuraA, S. Suzuki, T. Takahashi, T. N. Takahashi, H. Tamura, T. Tanaka, K. Tanida, A. O. Tokiyasu, Z. Tsamalaidze, M. Ukai, T. O. Yamamoto, and S. B. Yang
Genshikaku Kenkyu Vol.57 Suppl.3, 2013