1. Introduction

Simulators which were coded based on Geant4 were prepared for the nnΛ experiment (JLab E12-17-003). In the experiment, two HRSs in Hall A will be used for e' and K+ measurements. There are three independent simulators, TARG, HRSL, and HRSR.


This is a Monte Carlo simulator which is used for an estimation of the electron-beam energy loss in a target.


This is a MC simulator for a scattered electron.


This is a MC simulator for a K+.

2. Download the source codes

Lambda (TOHOKU machine) user

You can get the source by svn checkout:
$ svn co svn+ssh://(username)@lambda/users/svn/svnroot_JLab/E12-17-003/simulations


I will upload the source files somewhere you can access without the lambda account.

3. How to use

Simulation for a beam energy loss in a target (TARG)

  1. Modify input parameters for the simulation
    $ cd run/
    $ emacs -nw input/parameter.in
    (You can specify the beam energy, target thickness, raster size etc.)
    $ emacs -nw macro/run.in
    (Please specify the number of beams emitted)
  2. Execute the simulation
    $ cd run/
    $ ./TARG macro/run.mac input/sample.in
    → then a ROOT file will be generated in a directory you specified in the input file.
  3. Kinemtics calculation
    $ cd analysis/kine/
    $ emacs -nw input.dat
    (Please specify parameters as you want)
    $ make
    $ ./KINE_EEK
    → You will get a seed file which will be used further steps and a ROOT file for check

Simulation for scattered electrons (HRSL)

  1. Compile the source files:
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make -j4
  2. Input parameter modifications:
    $ emacs -nw run/input/sample.in
    (Please specify input parameters)
    $ emacs -nw run/macro/gun.mac
    (Please specify the number of particles emitted)
  3. Execute the simulation:
    $ cd run/
    $ ./HRSL_nnL macro/gun.mac input/sample.in
    (Then a ROOT file will be generated in a directory you specified in the input file)

Simulation for K+s (HRSR)

  1. Compile the source files:
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make -j4
  2. Input parameter modifications:
    $ emacs -nw run/input/sample.in
    (Please specify input parameters)
    $ emacs -nw run/macro/gun.mac
    (Please specify the number of particles emitted)
  3. Execute the simulation:
    $ cd run/
    $ ./HRSL_nnL macro/gun.mac input/sample.in
    (Then a ROOT file will be generated in a directory you specified in the input file)

4. Reports

PDF (Optics meeting on March 1, 2018 at JLab)

PDF (Optics meeting on December 7, 2017 at JLab)

後神 利志
Toshiyuki Gogami, D. Sc.

Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
✉ gogami.toshiyuki.4a_at_kyoto-u.ac.jp