1. Introduction
Simulators which were coded based on Geant4 were prepared for the nnΛ experiment (JLab E12-17-003). In the experiment, two HRSs in Hall A will be used for e' and K+ measurements. There are three independent simulators, TARG, HRSL, and HRSR.
This is a Monte Carlo simulator which is used for an estimation of the electron-beam energy loss in a target.
This is a MC simulator for a scattered electron.
This is a MC simulator for a K+.
2. Download the source codes
Lambda (TOHOKU machine) user
You can get the source by svn checkout:
$ svn co svn+ssh://(username)@lambda/users/svn/svnroot_JLab/E12-17-003/simulations
I will upload the source files somewhere you can access without the lambda account.
3. How to use
Simulation for a beam energy loss in a target (TARG)
- Modify input parameters for the simulation
$ cd run/
$ emacs -nw input/parameter.in
(You can specify the beam energy, target thickness, raster size etc.)
$ emacs -nw macro/run.in
(Please specify the number of beams emitted)
- Execute the simulation
$ cd run/
$ ./TARG macro/run.mac input/sample.in
→ then a ROOT file will be generated in a directory you specified in the input file.
- Kinemtics calculation
$ cd analysis/kine/
$ emacs -nw input.dat
(Please specify parameters as you want)
$ make
→ You will get a seed file which will be used further steps and a ROOT file for check
Simulation for scattered electrons (HRSL)
- Compile the source files:
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
- Input parameter modifications:
$ emacs -nw run/input/sample.in
(Please specify input parameters)
$ emacs -nw run/macro/gun.mac
(Please specify the number of particles emitted)
- Execute the simulation:
$ cd run/
$ ./HRSL_nnL macro/gun.mac input/sample.in
(Then a ROOT file will be generated in a directory you specified in the input file)
Simulation for K+s (HRSR)
- Compile the source files:
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
- Input parameter modifications:
$ emacs -nw run/input/sample.in
(Please specify input parameters)
$ emacs -nw run/macro/gun.mac
(Please specify the number of particles emitted)
- Execute the simulation:
$ cd run/
$ ./HRSL_nnL macro/gun.mac input/sample.in
(Then a ROOT file will be generated in a directory you specified in the input file)
4. Reports
PDF (Optics meeting on March 1, 2018 at JLab)
PDF (Optics meeting on December 7, 2017 at JLab)