A simple simulation for the nnΛ search experiment at JLab

How to used the Monte Carlo Simulation

  1. Download the following source files:
  2. Compile:
    $ make
  3. Specify input parameters in "input.dat":
    * QFdata: test_kaon_he3_goga3.root ← ROOT file for QF Λ
    * QF_Num: 4000 ← the number of events of QF Λ (0--100000)
    * SpecReso_FWHM(MeV): 2 ← detector resoution
    * nnL_Num: 120 ← the number of events of nnΛ
    * NatWidth_FWHM(MeV): 0.5 ← the natural width of the nnΛ state
    * BL(MeV): -0.5 ← assumed BΛ for the nnΛ state
    * Acc_per_1MeV: 2.45 ← Accidental background events per 1 MeV according to the previous experiment, JLab E91-016
  4. Run the simulation:
    $ ./nnL_simulation

Simulation results

Integrated virtual photon flux (pdf, March 29, 2017)

Quick simulation for the quasi-free Λ distribution (pdf, April 7, 2017)

Simple simulation for significance (pdf, April 10, 2017)

Expected results 1 (pdf, May 2, 2017)

Expected results 2 (pdf, May 2, 2017)

Ensemble simulation (pdf, May 5, 2017)

(Updated date: May 8, 2017)

後神 利志
Toshiyuki Gogami, D. Sc.

Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
✉ gogami.toshiyuki.4a_at_kyoto-u.ac.jp