Presentation Files

There are presentation files that I used in 2008-2014.

PICT : Indian summer school in Rez , Czech Republic (08/Sep/2010).

  ppt , pptx , pdf Date Remarks
JPS jps09gogami.pptx (abstract) 03/28/2009 JPS2009(spring)Tokyo
jps10gogami.pptx (abstract) 03/19/2010 JPS2010(spring)Okayama
jps11gogami.pptx (abstract) 03/25/2011 JPS2011(spring)Nigata
jps11gogami_2(.pptx) (.pdf) (abst) 09/17/2011 JPS2011(autumn)Hirosaki
jps12gogami(.pptx) (.pdf) (abst) 09/14/2012 JPS2012(autumn)Kyoto
jps13gogami(.pptx) (.pdf) (abst) 03/27/2013 JPS2013(spring)Hiroshima
jps13gogami(.pptx) (.pdf) (abst) 09/23/2013 JPS2013(autumn)Kochi
Conferences & WorkShops Strangeness2010_gogami.pptx 12/02/2010 Strangeness2010 in KEK
Houdan_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) 06/21/2011 Houdan kai at GSI
APFB2011_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf)
08/23/2011 APFB2011 in Souel, Korea
ECT2011_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) 09/29/2011 ECT* (2011) in Trento, Italy
gcoe2012_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) 02/21/2012 GCOE symposium in Sendai, Japan
FB20_gogami_2012 (.pptx) (.pdf) 08/21/2012 FB20 in Fukuoka, Japan
Tours2012_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf)
Tours2012_poster_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf)
09/04/2012 Tours2012 in Black Forest, Germany
jsps_C2C_2012_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) 10/06/2012 HYP2012 & JSPS Core-to-Core symposium in Barcelona, Spain
6sen2013_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) (abst) 03/21/2013 6 majors conjunction symposium in Sendai, Japan
appc12_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) 07/14~19/2013 APPC12 in Chiba, Japan
nufra2013_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf)
nufra2013_gogami_poster (.pptx) (.pdf)
10/1/2013 NUFRA2013 in Kemer, Turkey
korea2014_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf)
3/21/2014 Korea-Japan workshop in Inchon, Korea
HLAB Meeting hlab_2009_04_06.pptx 04/06/2009 Status Report
hlab_2009_07_21.pptx 07/21/2009 Status Report
hlab_2009_12_08.pptx 12/08/2009 Status Report
hlab_2010_04_06.pptx 04/06/2010 Intro
hlab_2010_04_27.pptx 04/27/2010 Status Report
hlab_2010_07_13.pptx 07/13/2010 Status Report
hlab_2010_10_05.pptx 10/05/2010 Status Report
hlab_2010_12_14.pptx 12/14/2010 Status Report
hlab_2011_01_18_paper (.pptx) (.pdf) 01/18/2011 Paper
hlab_2011_01_25 (.pptx) (.pdf) 01/25/2011 Status Report
hlab_2011_09_13 (.pptx) (.pdf) 09/13/2011 Status Report
hlab_2011_10_18_paper (.pptx) (.pdf) 10/18/2011 Paper
hlab_2011_11_01 (.pptx) (.pdf) 11/01/2011 Status Report
hlab_2011_12_27 (.pptx) (.pdf) 12/27/2011 Status Report
hlab_2012_01_31 (.pptx) (.pdf) 01/31/2012 Status Report
hlab_2012_04_17 (.pptx) (.pdf) 04/17/2012 Introduction
hlab_2012_05_22 (.pptx) (.pdf) 05/22/2012 Status Report
hlab_2012_10_23 (.pptx) (.pdf) 10/23/2012 Status Report
hlab_2013_04_16 (.pptx) (.pdf) 04/16/2013 Introduction
hlab_2013_05_07 (.pptx) (.pdf) 05/07/2013 Paper
hlab_2013_07_02 (.pptx) (.pdf) 07/03/2013 Status report
hlab_2013_09_03 (.pptx) (.pdf) 09/03/2013 Status report
hlab_2013_10_29 (.pptx) (.pdf) 10/29/2013 Status report
hlab_2014_01_14 (.pptx) (.pdf) 01/14/2014 Status report
hlab_2014_03_04 (.pptx) (.pdf) 03/04/2014 Status report
HES-HKS and KaoS Regular Meeting 2008 Rat 2008 Regular meeting
2009 Ox 2009 Regular meeting
2010 Tigger 2010 Regular meeting
2011 Rabbit 2011 Regular meeting
2012 Dragon 2012 Regular meeting
2013 Serpent 2013 Regular meeting
2014 Horse 2014 Regular meeting
HES-HKS Collaboration Meeting HES_collabo_11_24_2008.ppt 11/24/2008 Collaboration meeting
HES_collabo_05_08_2009.pptx 05/08/2009 Collaboration meeting
HES_collabo_03_11_2010.pptx 03/11/2010 Collaboration meeting
HES_collabo_02_24_2011 (.pptx) (.pdf) 02/24/2011 Collaboration meeting
HES_collabo_12_14_2011 (.pptx) (.pdf) 12/14/2011 Collaboration meeting
HES_collabo_05_09_2012_1 (.pptx) (.pdf) 05/09/2012 Collaboration meeting (1)
HES_collabo_05_09_2012_2 (.pptx) (.pdf) 05/09/2012 Collaboration meeting (2)
HES_collabo_05_09_2012_3 (.pptx) (.pdf) 05/09/2012 Collaboration meeting (3)
HES-HKS TV Meeting with US Status_report_gogami(2010_9_30).pptx 09/30/2010 TV meeting with US
Schools SNP2010_gogami.pptx 09/08/2010 SNP2010 in Rez, Czech
SNP2012_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) (certificate) 02/12~18/2012 SNP school 2012 in Tokai and Sendai, Japan
SNP2013_gogami (.pptx) (.pdf) (certificate) 02/14~20/2013 SNP school 2013 in Tokai and Sendai, Japan
Seminar seminar_11_25_2010_gogami.pptx 11/25/2010 Medium heavy Λ hypernuclei via (π+,K+)
