A Monte Carlo Simulation of Fiber Target in S-2S

[J-PARC E05 experiment: Ξ- hypernuclear bound state search using the (K-,K+) reaction.]

Yield of the Ξ- hypernuclei should be reasonably high to observe the state as a peak structure.
One of the straightforward ways to achive a higher statistic is making a production target thickness thicker.
However, an energy resolution of Ξ- hypernuclear state becomes worse as the target thickness is
thicker due to an energy loss straggling and unbalanced energy loss contributions of K- and K+ to
the missing mass shift, mainly depending on a Ξ hypernuclear production point in the target along
a beam direction.

An idea to correct the energy losses of K- and K+ event by event is introduction of an active target
which is made of plastic scintillation fibers. The event by event energy loss correction might have a
possibility to achive higher energy resolution even when we use a thicker target.

FIG1: A drawing of fiber target (idea in Oct2015)

FIG2: Visualized geometry and tracks in Geant4 simulation

CAD Drawing

Monte Carlo Simulation


