S-2S Spectrometer for Ξ- hypernuclera spectroscopy
New magnetic spectormeter, S-2S is designed to achieve a momentum resolution
of Δp/p=5×10-4 (FWHM) for a mementum range of 1.2-1.6 GeV/c.
The momentum resolution (Δp/p=5×10-4 in FWHM) is necessary to measure
the Ξ- hypernuclear state as a peak structure with an energy resolution of
a few MeV in FWHM at the Hadron Experimental Hall K1.8 Beam Line in J-PARC.
The S-2S consists of two quaruple magnets (Q1,Q2) and one dipole magnet (D).
A particle detector system is composed of a TOF detector for data taking trigger and
off-line Particle IDentification (PID), three drift chambers for particle tracking,
two types of Cherenkov detectors for on-line PID.
FIG1: S-2S spectrometer (ver. 29Aug2014)
CAD drawing
Schematic drawings
- S-2S + Beam line spectrometer
[uploaded on 2014/9/11]
Magnetic field map
TOSCA models
Monte Carlo simulation