################################## TOF detector test with cosmic ray @ 3F experimental room, Kyoto Univ. ################################## HV setting: CH1(H1949,WA6623) = 2850 V CH2(H1949,WA6624) = 2692 V CH3(H1949,WA6613) = 2810 V CH4(H1949,WA6601) = 2642 V CH5(H7195,RD7241) = 2310 V ************ *** RUN1 *** ************ NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/10 18:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 250 mV RATE: 10 Hz DATA: run1.dat Number of event: 5000 COMMENT: Rough analysis --> TOF resolution (sigma) = 1.5 ns ************ *** RUN2 *** ************ NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/10 19:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 250 mV RATE: 10 Hz DATA: run2.dat Number of event: 50000 COMMENT: ************ *** RUN3 *** ************ NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/10 20:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 8 Hz DATA: run3.dat Number of event: 50000 COMMENT: Threshold vs. Rate 250 mV: 10 Hz 300 mV: 10 Hz 350 mV: 8.5 Hz 400 mV: 8 Hz ----------------- Threshold was changed to 400 mV from 250 mV from this run. Rough analysis --> TOF resolution = 1.3 ns (sigma) without correction. ************ *** RUN4 *** ************ NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/11 9:40 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 RATE: 8 Hz Discriminator threshold: 400 mV Number of event: 1500 COMMENT: Attenuator of 8db was applied to ADC1 for test. ************ *** RUN5 *** ************ NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/11 9:55 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 RATE: 8 Hz Discriminator threshold: 400 mV Number of event: 50000 COMMENT: Attenuations of 24db and 28db were applied to ADC1 and ADC2, respectively for test. ************ *** RUN6 *** ************ NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/11 16:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 8 Hz Number of event: 5000 COMMENT: Attenuations of 24db were applied to all ADC channels. (test run) ****************** *** RUN7-RUN25 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/11 16:34- Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 for each run COMMENT: Attenuations of 24db were applied to all ADC channels. ************* *** RUN26 *** ************* Terminated in the middle. Conditions are the same with the previous run. ************* *** RUN27 *** ************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/13 12:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 5000 COMMENT: Attenuator values were changed from 24 db for test. Attenuations of 16 db were applied to all ADC channels. ADC looks OK. **************** *** RUN28-37 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/13 12:20 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 for each run COMMENT: Attenuations of 16 db were applied to all ADC channels. 2014/10/14 10:00 --> Noticed that the data taking was terminated in Run28 due to kernel panic... (so sad !!!) ************* *** RUN29 *** ************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/14 10:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 COMMENT: Attenuations of 16 db were applied to all ADC channels. ************* *** RUN30 *** ************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/14 12:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 20000 COMMENT: Attenuations of 16 db were applied to all ADC channels. ************* *** RUN31 *** ************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/14 13:20 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 20000 COMMENT: Attenuations of 16 db were applied to all ADC channels. Terminated in the middle by myself. **************** *** RUN32-33 *** **************** NAME: Kazuma Kato DATE: 2014/10/14 15:45 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 5000 for each run COMMENT: Attenuations of 16 db were applied to all ADC channels. ************* *** RUN34 *** ************* NAME:Kazuma Kato and Toshi DATE: 2014/10/14 17:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 for each run COMMENT: Attenuations of 16 db were applied to all ADC channels. DAQ PC was crashed in the middle of data taking. **************** *** RUN35-45 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/15 10:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 for each run Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: DAQ PC was crashed in the previous run. Therefore, I rebooted the DAQ PC and restarted taking data. ******************* NOTICE !!!!!!!!!!!! ******************* Data stream was changed: ADC1 ADC2 ADC3 ADC4 TDC1 TDC2 TDC3 TDC4 NTDC1 NTDC2 NADC1 NADC2 (NADC: Noritake ADC, NTDC: Noritake TDC) **************** *** RUN46-47 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/16 15:10 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 5000 (run47), 50000 (run48) Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: Attenuator channels were swapped, CH1 <--> CH3 ==> ADC distribution were not changed... Data taking was crashed during run47. But data itself were OK. **************** *** RUN48-55 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/16 18:22 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: Attenuator channels were returned to the original positions. Delay modules were swapped, CH1 <--> CH3 ************* *** RUN56 *** ************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/17 17:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: Delay modules were returned to the original positions. **************** *** RUN57-76 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, Kazuma Kato, Tsuyoshi Noritake DATE: 2014/10/17 18:15 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: *Center of scintillator(TDC3,4) : 25cm -> 13.5cm *Upper TOF detector (CH3 and CH4) was displaced by 11.5cm from the center. ************* *** RUN77 *** ************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/20 10:15 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. **************** *** RUN78-87 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/20 15:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. Data taking is terminated during run 87 by Noritake on purpose. **************** *** RUN88-93 *** **************** NAME: T.Noritake, Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/21 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for all channels COMMENT: MPPC HV was changed to 68 V from 70 V. ****************** NOTICE !!!!!!!!!!! ****************** Output data stream was changed. TADC1 TADC2 TADC3 TADC4 TTDC1 TTDC2 TTDC3 TTDC4 (TOF detector) NTDC1 NTDC2 NADC1 NADC2 (Noritake's detector) TADC5 TTDC5 (Small scintillation detector) Toshiyuki Gogami , 22Oct2014 **************** *** RUN94-95 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/22 15:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 200 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 5000 for run94, 10000 for run95 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: ADC gate was delayed to reduce the number of use of variable delay modules, but TDC start was not changed. ADC timing of all channels were re-adjusted. TOF detector is moved to the center position (center crossing). **************** *** RUN96-97 *** **************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/22 16:20 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 20000 for run96, 50000 for run97 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Discriminator threshold was changed to 80 mV from 200 mV. Data taking was terminated during run97. ***************** *** RUN98-103 *** ***************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/22 18:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. ************** *** RUN104 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/23 11:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. Data taking was crashed during this run. DAQ PC was rebooted after this run. ****************** *** RUN105-111 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/23 14:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. ****************** *** RUN112-113 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/24 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. ************************** NOTICE !!!!!!!!! ************************** Water Cherenkov detector was installed. Data stream was changed: TADC1 TADC2 TADC3 TADC4 TTDC1 TTDC2 TTDC3 TTDC4 NTDC1 NTDC2 NADC1 NADC2 TADC5 TTDC5 WADC1(H11284,ZK6920) WADC2(H6522,LA1542) WADC3(H6522,LA1537) ************** *** RUN114 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, Kohei Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/24 19:10 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Water Cherenkov detector was installed. CH1:H11284:1800V, CH2-3:H6522:2400V. Gate width was changed to 140 ns from 80 ns. Upper TOF counter was moved by 11.5 cm to CH1 side in order to set the TOF detector over the center of water Cherenkov detector. This run was terminated by our hand. ************** *** RUN115 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, Kohei Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/24 19:45 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Applied voltages to the water Cherenkov detector were changed. WC-CH1: 1800 V --> 2000 V WC-CH2,3: 2400 V --> 2600 V This run was terminated by hand. ****************** *** RUN116-123 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, Kohei Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/24 19:45 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. DAQ was crashed during run 123. ****************** *** RUN124-125 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/27 9:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: DAQ was rebooted. Data taking was restarted. Data taking was terminated during run125. ****************** *** RUN126-127 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/27 13:30, 16:10 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. Data taking is terminated in run127 by hand. ************** *** RUN128 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 18:00 Trigger: LED LED Pulse height=5.4 V, width=35 ns ************** *** RUN129 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 18:00 Trigger: LED LED Pulse height=5.6 V, width=35 ns ************** *** RUN130 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 18:00 Trigger: LED LED Pulse height=5.8 V, width=35 ns ************** *** RUN131 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 18:00 Trigger: LED LED Pulse height=5.9 V, width=35 ns ************** *** RUN132 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 18:00 Trigger: LED LED Pulse height=5.9 V, width=35 ns ****************** *** RUN133-134 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 18:00 Trigger: LED LED Pulse height=5.85 V, width=35 ns ***+************** *** RUN135-136 *** ****************** LED Pulse height=5.82 V, width=35 ns ************** *** RUN137 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 18:30 Trigger: LED LED Pulse height=5.80 V, width=35 ns Comments: Junk ? *** RUN138-139 *** Same as run137 DATE: 2014/10/27 18:30 200000 events for each run. Comments: Width was 35 ns !!!!! *** RUN140-141 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 18:30 LED Pulse height=5.80 V, width=8 ns 200000 events for each run. Comments: Width was changed to 8 ns. *** RUN142 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:00 LED Pulse height=9.30 V, width=9 ns Comments: Gate width was changed to 100 ns from 80 ns. *** RUN143-144 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:00 LED Pulse height=9.50 V, width=9 ns Comments: Switch was off.... *** RUN145-146 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:00 LED Pulse height=9.50 V, width=9 ns *** RUN147-148 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:12 LED Pulse height=9.70 V, width=9 ns Comments: WC1 looks OK. *** RUN149 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:20 LED Pulse height=9.4 V, width=10 ns Comments: PC was rebooted. WC1 looks OK !!! *** RUN150 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:30 LED Pulse height=9.5 V, width=10 ns Comments: Still WC1 looks OK. *** RUN151 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:40 LED Pulse height=9.52 V, width=10 ns Comments: No big difference. *** RUN152 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:40 LED Pulse height=9.6 V, width=10 ns Comments: WC1 is OK. GOOD !!! *** RUN153 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:45 LED Pulse height=9.8 V, width=10 ns Comments: *** RUN154 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:45 LED Pulse height=9.7 V, width=10 ns Comments: *** RUN155-157 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 19:50 LED Pulse height=9.65 V, width=10 ns Comments: WC3 looks OK. *** RUN158-159 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 20:00 LED Pulse height=9.67 V, width=10 ns Comments: WC2 looks OK. *** RUN160 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 LED Pulse height=9.67 V, width=10 ns Comments: Run for high statistical data for CH2 and CH3 of WC. *** RUN161-162 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 20:16 LED Pulse height=9.57 V, width=10 ns Comments: DAQ was crashed in run161. So, DAQ PC was rebooted. Run for high statistical data for CH1 of WC. *** RUN163-164 *** DATE: 2014/10/27 20:25 LED Pulse height=9.54 V, width=10 ns Comments: ****************** *** RUN165-172 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/27 20:43 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Data taking with cosmic ray was restarted. MPPC configuration was changed during run 171 (2014/10/28). Data taking was terminated in run172. ****************** *** RUN173-181 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/28 17:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 COMMENT: Conditions are the same as the previous run. Data taking was terminated in run181. ************** *** RUN182 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/29 14:30 Trigger: WC1&WC2&WC3 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 25 Hz Number of event: 50000 Comments: Data have been taken with self trigger of WC. ************** NOTICE !!!!!!! ************** Data stream was changed from RUN184. (TDCs of WC were added.) TADC1 TADC2 TADC3 TADC4 TTDC1 TTDC2 TTDC3 TTDC4 NTDC1 NTDC2 NADC1 NADC2 TADC5 TTDC5 WADC1 WADC2 WADC3 WTDC1 WTDC2 WTDC3 ************** *** RUN183 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/29 15:00 Trigger: WC1 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 1300 Hz Number of event: 100000 Comments: WC1 self trigger. ************** *** RUN184 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/29 15:00 Trigger: WC2 Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 750 Hz Number of event: 50000 Comments: WC2 self trigger. ************** *** RUN185 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/29 15:10 Trigger: WC3 Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 400 Hz Number of event: 50000 Comments: WC2 self trigger. ************** *** RUN186 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/29 15:41 LED trigger: 9.54 V, 10 ns Number of event: 50000 Comments: LED switch was off.... *** RUN187 *** Conditions are the same as the previous run. *** RUN188 *** LED trigger: 9.54 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 Comments: LED switch was off.... *** RUN189 *** LED trigger: 9.54 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN190 *** LED trigger: 9.54 V, 12 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN191 *** LED trigger: 9.60 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN192 *** LED trigger: 9.80 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 Comments: LED was off... *** RUN193 *** LED trigger: 9.80 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN194 *** LED trigger: 9.90 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN195 *** LED trigger: 9.85 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN196 *** LED trigger: 9.88 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 Comments: LED was off... *** RUN197 *** LED trigger: 9.88 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN198 *** LED trigger: 9.87 V, 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN199 *** LED trigger: 9.875 V (1mV off), 9 ns Number of event: 50000 *** RUN200 *** LED trigger: 9.875 V (1mV off), 9 ns Number of event: 200000 *** RUN201 *** LED trigger: 9.88 V, 9 ns Number of event: 200000 ************** *** RUN202 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/10/29 17:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: ? Hz Number of event: 5000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: just for check. ADC and TDC were ok, but the trigger condition was wrong (see also RUN203). ************** *** RUN203 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/29 17:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: ? Hz Number of event: 10000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Small scintillation detector was moved by 25 cm toward 2-PMT side. Junk. Concidence condition was wrong. ************** *** RUN204 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/29 17:39 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 5000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: This run is terminated by hand. ********************* *** RUN205-RUN213 *** ********************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/29 17:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: *************** *** RUN214-222 *** *************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/30 18:40 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Small scintillation detector was moved by 25 cm toward WC CH1 (H11284) from the cetner of WC. ************** *** RUN223 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/31 17:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Sr90 @ 0cm (center) Offset parameter is 8ns. *** RUN224 *** Sr90 @ 5cm which is closer to CH2. *** RUN225 *** Sr90 @ 10cm which is closer to CH2. *** RUN226 *** Sr90 @ 15cm which is closer to CH2. *** RUN227 *** Sr90 @ 20cm which is closer to CH2. *** RUN228 *** Sr90 @ 25cm which is closer to CH2. *** RUN229 *** Sr90 @ -5cm which is closer to CH1. *** RUN230 *** Sr90 @ -20cm which is closer to CH1. ****************** *** RUN231-235 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/10/31 18:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Small scintillation detector was moved by 12.5 cm toward WC CH1 (H11284) from the cetner of WC. Data taking was stopped due to crash in run235. ****************** *** RUN236-239 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/11/4 9:10 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: PC was rebooted, and data taking was restarted. Data taking was terminaed in run239. ************** *** RUN240 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/4 17:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: The small scintillation detector was moved to the center of the water Cherenkov detector. The data taking was stuck in run240. ****************** *** RUN241-242 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/11/5 9:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Conditions are the same as run 240. DAQ PC was rebooted, and data taking was restarted. DAQ PD was crashed in run242. ****************** *** RUN243-250 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/5 18:15 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: DAQ PC was rebooted, and data taking was restarted. ****************** *** RUN251-256 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/6 18:10 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Small scintillation detector was moved to 2-PMT side by 12.5 cm from the center of the water Cherenkov detector. Data taking was terminated by hand in run 256 to check TDC7 which is TDC of small scintillation detector. There is no datum for TDC7.... ********************* *** RUN257-RUN259 *** ********************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/11/7 9:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 7 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: It was found that a discriminator module for TDC7 line was dead.... So, it was moved to different module. --> Looks OK. RUN259 was terminated by hand. Poweroutage will be in this weekend, so data taking is stopped now. See you next week !!!! ************** *** RUN260 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/11/10 9:40 Trigger: WC1 & WC2 & WC3 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 27 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Data taking was started after everything was turned ON. Trigger is a self-trigger of WC to check the pedestals of TOF's ADC. This run was terminated by hand. ****************** *** RUN261-264 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/11/10 9:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 5 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: Conditions are the same as run257. ****************** *** RUN265-271 *** ****************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami DATE: 2014/11/10 21:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 5 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: HVs were changed: WC-CH1(H11284): 2000-->1900 V WC-CH2(H6522): 2600-->2650 V WC-CH3(H6522): 2600-->2650 V ************** *** RUN272 *** ************** NAME: T.Gogami , K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/11 16:30 LED: 9.24 V, 10ns ****************** *** RUN273-275 *** ****************** NAME: T.Gogami , K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/11 16:40 LED: 9.18 V, 10ns ********************* *** RUN276-RUN277 *** ********************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/11 17:15 LED: 9.24 V, 10ns DATE: 2014/11/11 17:15 Comment: HVs were changed: WC-CH1(H11284): 1900 --> 1700 V WC-CH2(H6522): 2650 --> 2550 V WC-CH2(H6522): 2650 --> 2550 V ********************* *** RUN278-RUN284 *** ********************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/11 17:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 5 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Comments: HVs were changed: WC-CH1(H11284): 1900 --> 1700 V WC-CH2(H6522): 2650 --> 2550 V WC-CH2(H6522): 2650 --> 2550 V Noticed that TDC1 and TDC3 are dead. This could be caused by discriminator for TDC line of TOF detector. Data taking was terminated in run284 due to DAQ PC crash. The DAQ PC was rebooted, and data taking was restarted(2014/11/12, 12:30, dragon). ********************* *** RUN288 ********** ********************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/11 17:15 LED: 9.18 V, 10ns ********************* ****** RUN289 ******* ********************* NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/11 17:15 LED: 9.16 V, 10ns ************** *** RUN290 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/11 17:15 LED: 9.17 V, 10ns Comments: After this, HVs are changed.: WC-CH1(H11284): 1700 --> 2000 V WC-CH2(H6522): 2550 --> 2600 V WC-CH2(H6522): 2550 --> 2600 V ****************** *** RUN291-305 *** ****************** NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/13 17:15 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 5 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Conditions: 10 degrees cosmic ray incident angle. Small plastic scintillator is closer to 2-PMT side. ****************** *** RUN306-307 *** ****************** junk ************** *** RUN308 *** ************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/28 14:00 LED: 4.24 V, 10ns Comments: JUNK *************** *** RUN309 **** *************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/28 14:00 LED: 4.20 V, 10ns ********************** *** RUN310-RUN311 **** ********************** NAME: Toshiyuki Gogami, K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/28 14:10 LED: 4.10 V, 10ns ************************ *** RUN312-RUN326 ****** ************************ NAME: T.Gogami & K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/11/28 14:40 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 5 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Conditions: -10 degrees cosmic ray incident angle. (Opposite angle with respect to RUN291-) Small plastic scintillator is closer to 1-PMT side. ****************************************************** HV2 was uninstalled and returned back to Niyama-san. (2014/12/1, 10:15, Toshiyuki Gogami) ****************************************************** ***************** *** RUN327 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami DATE: 2014/12/2 10:30 Trigger: LED Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: - Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Conditions: HV2 was reinstalled. HV setting was same as that of previous: CH1: -2310 V CH2: -2000 V CH3: -2000 V (Dead) CH4: -2600 V LED: 4.2 V, 10 ns WC-CH2(H6522) was dead..... So, HV for the corresponding channel was turned off after this run. ***************** *** RUN328 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami DATE: 2014/12/2 10:50 Trigger: WC1 & WC3 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: - Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Conditions: WC self trigger. This run was terminated by hand in the middle. ***************** *** RUN329 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami DATE: 2014/12/2 10:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 6 Hz Number of event: - Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Conditions: Dead discriminator [Lecroy825 ~~DSC5~~] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Circuit for TOF TDC line was changed: (OLD) 100 ns delay --> DISCRI (Dead) --> TDC (NEW) 100 ns delay --> TDC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> Data of TOF TDCs look OK now !!! ************************ *** RUN330-RUN332 ****** ************************ NAME: T.Gogami DATE: 2014/12/2 11:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold of TOF1-4: 400 mV Discriminator threshold of TOF5: 80 mV Discriminator threshold of WC: 30 mV RATE: 6 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1-4 Conditions: Detector setup is the same as RUN312. Data taking was terminated during RUN332. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************************************************************* **** Experimental setup was totaly changed !!!! ************* ************************************************************* ***************** *** RUN333 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami & K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/2 18:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 400 mV RATE: 6 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1 and CH2 Conditions: TOF CH1 (labeled to be H7195-2, RD7241): 2000 V [Lower] TOF CH2 (labeled to be H7195-1, RD7198): 2000 V [Upper] Data taking was terminated by hand in the middile. ***************** *** RUN334 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami & K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/2 18:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 3 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: 16 db for CH1 and CH2 Conditions: Threshold was changed to 20 mV from 400 mV. Data taking was terminated by hand in the middile. HV setting was changed: TOF CH1 (labeled to be H7195-2, RD7241): 2300 V [Lower] TOF CH2 (labeled to be H7195-1, RD7198): 2300 V [Upper] ***************** *** RUN335 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami & K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/2 19:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 3.4 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Attenuator was uninstalled from ADC line. Data taking was terminated by hand in the middile. ************************** *** RUN336 - RUN342 ****** ************************** NAME: T.Gogami & K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/2 20:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 3.4 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Data taking was terminated during RUN342 (2014/12/4 14:40, Toshiyuki Gogami). ***************** *** RUN343 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami DATE: 2014/12/4 14:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 2.5 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Upper scintillator was moved by 20 cm. sqrt(20.0*20.0 + 30.5*30.5) = 36.5 cm. Path length between two scintillators is now 36.5 - 30.5 = 6 cm longer than before. This is was terminated by hand. ****************************************** 2014/12/4 evening --> HVs for the plastic scintillators were turned off to install WC. Now the WC is set on a frame checking water leakage. ****************************************** ***************** *** RUN344 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami DATE: 2014/12/5 11:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 1.3 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: CH1(lower) position: 35 cm CH2(upper) position: 25 cm sqrt(20.0*20.0 + 30.5*30.5) = 36.5 cm. Path length between two scintillators is now 36.5 - 30.5 = 6 cm longer than that of RUN336. Now water Cherenkov detector is installed between the scintillators. This run was terminated in the middle. ********************************************* 2014/12/5 15:20, T.Gogami & K.Takenaka WC was rotated 180 degrees because water was leaked. --> Water leackage check again in this setup. ********************************************* ***************** *** RUN345 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/5 15:30 Trigger: TOF1 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: - Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: The upper scintillator (CH2) disattached from the frame, and reattached. ***************** *** RUN346 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/5 15:30 Trigger: TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: - Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: ***************** *** RUN347 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/5 15:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 1.8 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Conditions are the same as run344. This run was terminated by hand. ***************** *** RUN348 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/5 18:50 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 (horizontal) Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 2.48 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Two scintillators were set horizontal. The distance is 20 cm between them. ****************** *** RUN349- ****** ****************** NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/5 19:20 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 (horizontal) Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 20 mV RATE: 2.48 Hz Number of event: 50000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: The conditions are the same as run348. Cernel panic occured at run349 on 12/5. ***************** *** RUN350 ****** ***************** NAME: T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/8 14:20 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 (horizontal) Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 200 mV RATE: 0.19 Hz Number of event: 3000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Applied HVs of two scintillation counter used for trigger are changed from -2300 V to -2500 V. Discriminator threshold of two scintillators are changed from -20 mV to -200 mV. The two scintillators are put horizontally with a distance of 20 cm. An hour after the HV were changed, run350 started. ****************** *** RUN351 ****** ****************** NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/8 14:40 Trigger: TOF1 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 200 mV RATE: - Hz Number of event: - Attenuator: No use Conditions: TOF1 self-trigger. ****************** *** RUN352 ****** ****************** NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/8 14:40 Trigger: TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 200 mV RATE: - Hz Number of event: - Attenuator: No use Conditions: TOF2 self-trigger. ************************ *** RUN353-RUN369 ****** ************************ NAME: T.Gogami & T.Kohei DATE: 2014/12/8 14:45 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 200 mV RATE: 0.19 Hz Number of event: 3000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: ************************ *** RUN370-RUN373 ****** ************************ NAME: T.Gogami DATE: 2014/12/10 18:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 200 mV RATE: 0.19 Hz Number of event: 20000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Conditions are the same as RUN353. RUN373 is terminated at 14:37 on 12/8. ************************ *** RUN374-RUN382 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/12 18:30 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 100 mV RATE: 0.11 Hz Number of event: 20000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Before these runs, TOF2 labeled H7195-1(RD7198) was replaced with H7195-3(RD7186) because the former seemed to be broken. HVs are changed from -2500V to -2400V because charege overflow is observed in the ADC histogram. Discriminator thresholds of TOF1,2 are changed from -200 to -100 mV. Configuration conditions are the same as RUN353. ************************ *** RUN383 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/17 19:10 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 50 mV RATE: 0.05 Hz Number of event: 20000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Test of window material. Window is acrylite#000 made by mitsubishi rayon. Distance between two trigger scintis is about 23 cm. Discriminator threshold for TOF1,2 is changed to 50 mV. PMT for WC is W-07(H11284,ZK6920). HV = -2000V for WC and -2400V for trigger scinti respectively. 2 hours after HV was applied, run383 started. ************************ *** RUN384-RUN386 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/17 19:40 LED: 9.70V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN387-RUN388 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/17 19:40 LED: 9.60V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN389-RUN390 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/17 20:05 CONDITION: Pedestal run COMMENTS: During these runs, I typed run340 by mistake. So run340 might become pedestal data. ************************ *** RUN391-RUN404 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/17 20:20 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2: 50 mV RATE: 0.05 Hz Number of event: 20000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Conditions are the same as RUN383. Run394 is terminated, but there is no problem. Run400 is terminated somehow, but no problem. Run403 is terminated somehow, but no problem on 2014/12/24/6:13. ************************ *** RUN405 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 17:10 LED: 9.60V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN406 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 17:25 LED: 9.52V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN407 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 17:29 LED: 9.54V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN408 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 17:41 LED: 9.56V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN409 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 17:50 LED: 9.58V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN410 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 17:58 LED: 9.60V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN411 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 18:03 LED: 9.62V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN412&RUN414 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 18:08 LED: 9.64V, 11ns, in water ************************ *** RUN413 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 18:15 CONDITION: Pedestal run ************************ *** RUN415 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 18:35 LED: 9.63V, 11ns, in water best ************************ *** RUN416 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 18:52 LED: 3.50V, 11ns, outside water ************************ *** RUN417 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 18:55 LED: 3.53V, 11ns, outside water ************************ *** RUN418-RUN419 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/24 18:59 LED: 3.56V, 11ns, outside water best ***********************ATTENTION The window of acrylite#000 is replaced with S0. WCC is laid horizontally. Window side : H11284,ZK6920=W-07 & BC-630,Saint-Gobain Bottom side : H6522,LA1537 & V-788,Adhensive HVs are applied at 20:24 on 2014/12/27 HV : scinti=-2600V, H11284=-2000V, H6522=-2600V *********************** 1 hour later ************************ *** RUN420,RUN423 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/27 21:30 LED: 4.17V, 8ns, window side ************************ *** RUN421-RUN422 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/27 21:35 LED: 4.16V, 8ns, window side ************************ *** RUN424-RUN425 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/27 21:58 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN426-RUN437 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/27 22:14 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 10000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Window:S-0 Window side:H11284,ZK6920 & BC-630(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN426 stoped 22:39, but no problem. RUN427 started 22:46. RUN437 was terminated at 6:10 on 2014/12/30. ************************ *** RUN438 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/30 06:43 LED: 4.13V, 8ns, window side ************************ *** RUN439 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/30 06:49 LED: 4.14V, 8ns, window side ************************ *** RUN440-RUN441 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/30 06:59 LED: 4.15V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN442 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/30 07:11 LED: 4.16V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN443 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/30 07:19 LED: 4.17V, 8ns, window side ************************ *** RUN444 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/30 07:26 pedestal run ************************ THE PMTs are detached and attached. ************************ in 45 minutes after HVs are applied. ************************ *** RUN445 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/30 10:33 LED: 4.15V, 8ns, window side best ************************ *** RUN446 ****** ************************ DATE: 2014/12/30 10:37 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN447-RUN455 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2014/12/30 10:49 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: the same as RUN426-RUN437 confirmation of repeatability run RUN452 was terminated at 1:52 on 2015/1/2. RUN453 restarted at 14:00 on 2015/1/5. RUN455 was terminated at 17:00 on 2014/1/6. After RUN455, clock generator was inserted. ************************ *** RUN456 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/6 18:30 LED: 4.15V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN457 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/6 18:42 LED: 4.16V, 8ns, window side ************************ *** RUN458 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/6 18:49 LED: 4.18V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN459 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/6 18:58 pedestal run ************************ Setup Change: H11284 side grease:BC630-->BaF2 only HV was turned on at 20:26 on 2015/1/6 ************************ ************************ *** RUN460 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/6 22:05 LED: 4.15V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN461 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/6 22:19 LED: 4.165V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN462 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/6 22:30 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN463-RUN466 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/6 22:48 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: H11284 side grease:BC630-->BaF2 The other condition is the same as RUN447-RUN455. (Window=S0) RUN463 was terminated at 23:26. RUN464 starts at 12:31 on 2015/1/7. RUN466 was terminatad at 16:44 on 2015/1/8 ************************ *** RUN467 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/8 16:54 LED: 4.15V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN468 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/8 17:03 LED: 4.165V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN469 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/8 17:12 pedestal run ************************ Setup Change: It is turned out that y has been 30cm since window test started. Position y is set from 30 to 35 cm. The other conditions are the same as RUN463-466 ************************ in an hour and half after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN470 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/8 20:25 LED: 4.63V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN471 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/8 20:32 LED: 4.68V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN472 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/8 20:39 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN473-RUN475 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/8 20:52 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Attenuator: No use Conditions: Window: S-0 Window side:H11284,ZK6920 & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side ************************ *** RUN476 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/9 19:26 LED: 4.64V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN477 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/9 19:37 LED: 4.69V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN478 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/9 19:50 pedestal run ************************ Setup changes: repeatability check Only PMT H11284 wad detatched and atatched. Conditions are the same as RUN473-475. ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN479 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/9 21:49 LED: 4.43V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN480 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/9 21:30 LED: 4.47V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN481 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/9 21:39 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN482-RUN483 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/9 22:00 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: S-0 Window side:H11284,ZK6920 & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN483 was terminated at 17:42 on 2015/1/10. ************************ *** RUN484 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/10 17:52 LED: 4.43V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN485 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/10 18:04 LED: 4.47V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN486 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/10 18:07 pedestal run ************************ Setup changes: Check of PMT's individual difference H11284:ZK6920(WC-07)-->ZK6900(WC-02) ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN487 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/10 20:16 LED: 4.16V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN488 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/10 19:58 LED: 4.20V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN489 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/10 20:04 LED: 4.21V, 8ns, window side best for H6522(oome) ************************ *** RUN490 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/10 20:10 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN491-RUN492 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/10 20:23 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: S-0 Window side:H11284,ZK6900(WC-02) & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN492 was terminated at 16:51 on 2015/1/1/11. ************************ *** RUN493 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/11 17:01 LED: 4.16V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN494 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/11 17:10 LED: 4.20V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN495 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/11 17:16 pedestal run ************************ Setup changes: Check of PMT's individual difference H11284:ZK6900(WC-02)-->ZK6917(WC-04) ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN496 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/11 19:11 LED: 4.13V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN497 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/11 19:00 LED: 4.18V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN498 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/11 19:06 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN499-RUN500 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/11 19:19 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: S-0 Window side:H11284,ZK6917(WC-04) & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN500 was terminated at 15:59 on 2015/1/1/12. ************************ *** RUN501 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/12 16:07 LED: 4.13V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN502 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/12 16:17 LED: 4.13V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN503 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/12 16:24 LED: 4.18V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN504 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/12 16:30 pedestal run ************************ Setup changes: Check of grease dependence of NPE grease:BaF2-->BC-630 H11284:ZK6917(WC-04)->ZK6920(WC-07) ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN505 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/12 18:27 LED: 4.14V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN506 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/12 18:12 LED: 4.18V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN507 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/12 18:17 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN508-RUN509 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/12 18:33 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: S-0 Window side:H11284,ZK6920(WC-07) & BC-630(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN509 was terminated at 13:51 on 2015/1/1/13. ************************ *** RUN510 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/13 14:17 LED: 4.14V, 8ns, window side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN511 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/13 14:07 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN512 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/13 14:25 LED: 4.18V, 8ns, window side best for H6522 ************************ Setup changes:Window test window:S0-->UV00 grease:BC630-->BaF2 H6522 is newly detached and attached. ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN513 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/14 14:48 LED: 5.00V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN514 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/14 14:32 LED: 5.05V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN515 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/14 14:37 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN516-RUN518 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/14 14:54 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: UV00 Window side:H11284,ZK6920(WC-07) & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788<--newly detached & attached TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN516 stopped at 21:34 on 2015/1/1/14 because of kernel panic. RUN517 started at 21:58 RUN518 was terminated at 12:56 on 2015/1/1/15. It was turned out that LED light had been switched on. ************************ *** RUN519 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/15 13:04 LED: 5.00V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN520 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/15 13:14 LED: 5.05V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN521 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/15 13:28 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN522-RUN524 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/15 13:32 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: UV00 Window side:H11284,ZK6920(WC-07) & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788<--newly detached & attached TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN524 was terminated at 13:00 on 2015/1/16. ************************ *** RUN525 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/16 13:11 LED: 5.00V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN526 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/16 13:16 LED: 5.05V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN527 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/16 13:22 pedestal run ************************ Setup changes: repeatability check H11284 is detached and attached only. Other conditions are the same as the just previous run. ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN528 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/16 15:37 LED: 4.97V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN529 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/16 15:26 LED: 5.04V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN530 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/16 15:31 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN531-RUN533 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/16 15:55 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: UV00 Window side:H11284,ZK6920(WC-07) & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN533 was terminated at 14:27 on 2015/1/17. ************************ *** RUN534 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/17 14:36 LED: 4.97V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN535 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/17 14:40 LED: 5.04V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN536 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/17 14:46 pedestal run ************************ Setup changes: window:UV00-->acrylite#000 H6522 is also newly detached and attached. ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN537 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/17 20:10 LED: 4.99V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN538 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/17 19:54 LED: 5.04V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN539 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/17 20:01 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN540-RUN542 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/17 20:16 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: acrylite#000 Window side:H11284,ZK6920(WC-07) & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788<--newly detached & attached TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN542 was terminated at 19:07 on 2015/1/18. ************************ *** RUN543 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/18 19:22 LED: 4.99V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN544 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/18 19:27 LED: 5.04V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN545 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/18 19:35 pedestal run ************************ Setup changes: repeatability check H11284 is detached and attached only. Other conditions are the same as the just previous run. ************************ in an hour after HV was applied ************************ *** RUN546 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/18 21:29 LED: 4.99V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN547 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/18 21:13 LED: 5.04V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN548 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/18 21:20 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN549-RUN551 ****** ************************ NAME: K.Takenaka DATE: 2015/1/18 21:39 Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 Discriminator threshold of TOF1,2 : 50 mV, WC1,2 : 28mV RATE: 0.20 Hz Number of event: 20000 Conditions: Window: acrylite#000 Window side:H11284,ZK6920(WC-07) & BaF2(grease) Bottom side:H6522,LA1537 & V788 TOF1=up, TOF2=down, WC1=window side, WC2=bottom side RUN542 was terminated at 21:26 on 2015/1/19. ************************ *** RUN552 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/19 21:35 LED: 4.99V, 8ns, bottom side best for H11284 ************************ *** RUN553 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/19 21:40 LED: 5.04V, 8ns, bottom side best for H6522 ************************ *** RUN554 ****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/19 21:45 pedestal run ************************ *** RUN555-RUN****** ************************ DATE: 2015/1/19 21:50 the same as RUN551