Water Cherenkov detector for S-2S
A water cherenkov detector is planed to be installed in S-2S
to reject background particles of protons.
The radiation medium was chosen to be pure water (n=1.33).
Details about a development of the water Cherenkov detector is
found in
T.Gogami et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 817,
70 (2016).
FIG1: A drawing of water Cherenkov detector (ver. 7Jan2015).
CAD drawing etc.
- Toshi's presentation file of S-2S meeting on 2014/10/16
pdf file :
Water Cherenkov detector test with cosmic ray → Rough analysis → N.P.E.
- Documents on 2014/11/04
pdf file :
The number of photoelectrons with prototype water Cherenkov detector in cosmic ray test.
- Documents on 2014/11/11
pdf file :
WC N.P.E. analysis, Speed of light in E05 TOF counter, About E05-pilot run
- Presentation file for K1.8 meeting on 2014/12/26
pdf file :
Presentation file for K1.8 meeting (about water Cherenkov detector test).
- Documents on 2015/01/05
pdf file :
Proton rejection efficiency by water Cherenkov detector (simple simulation)
- Documents on 2015/01/21
pdf file :
Analysis memo for a WC NPE test with cosmic ray (PMT individual difference, Reproducibility, Grease difference)
- Documents on 2015/03/16
pdf file :
Water Cherenkov detector simulation (p and K+ survival ratios)
- Documents on 2015/03/18
pdf file :
Results of WC window test with cosmic ray.
- Documents on 2015/03/25
pdf file :
Transmission measurement of water with boxes made with acryldine and bathcaulk.
- Documents on 2015/03/27
pdf file :
Transmission measurement of water with boxes made with acryldine and bathcaulk.
- Documents on 2015/04/14
pdf file :
Assembly of a new prototype of water Cherenkov detector
- Documents on 2015/04/24
pdf file :
Information of the water Cherenkov detector test at Rm.319 (Experimental setup etc.)
- Documents on 2015/05/13
pdf file :
Assembly of water Cherenkov detector (2)
- Documents on 2015/05/17
pdf file :
Analysis of WC test in 2015 (Phase 1 and 2)
- Documents on 2015/07/03
pdf file :
An NPE detection by water Cherenkov detector
- Documents on 2015/12/28
pdf file :
About S-2S water Cherenov detector
- Documents on 2016/02/05
pdf file :
Drawings of water Chernkov detector (final version (not prototype))
- Documents on 2016/03/15
pdf file :
Rough NPE analysis
- Documents on 2016/03/28
pdf file :
Bucking-coil test with a Helmholtz coil
WC test with cosmic ray
click to jump.