



pdf file

  • Missing mass resolution simulation with CH2 target
    • Effect of Ξ- and decayed particles from Ξ- on the energy loss correction of missing mass. –> Correction seems to be impossible.
  • will start designing WC detectors, and frame of WC and TOF detectors.



  • S-2S official web page was updated.
  • S-2S Wiki:
    • Edit can be done by only core members (Nagae, Gogami, Kanatsuki, Takenaka) so far.
  • Acceptance map for generation points (x,y and z) around target region were shown as histograms.
  • Momentum resolution with drift chambers (simulation)
    • No wires: FWHM = 5.5 × 10-4
    • W plate (0.1 μm) : FWHM = 5.7 × 10-4 (thought to be realistic case)
    • W plate (1 μm): FWHM = 6.3 × 10-4 (comparable level to the case with fiber detector)
    • W plate (10 μm): FWHM = 12 × 10-4
  • About SDC2:
    • If SDC2 is used with rotation of 90 degrees, x-position resolution is deteriorated (σx = 0.2 mm → 1.1 mm). –> Δp/p = 7.7 × 10-4 (This result is worse than that of our intuition. Need to be checked.)
  • Required sizes for drift chambers:
    • SDC1: 75 × 125 mm2
    • SDC2: 95 × 240 mm2
    • SDC3: 800 × 400 mm2
    • SDC4: 920 × 550 mm2
  • Detector lists
  • Schedule for preparation


  • Analyses of data of prototype WC detector, which were taken at ELPH
    • x,y-position dependence were shown.
    • Position dependences were smaller than those of Geant4 simulatin. –> will use the Geant4 simulation by himself with Kanatsuki-kun's support.
  • Preparation for presentations in Atagawa and Hawai meeting.
    • Rough overview will be prepared by next week.


  • Indian summer school in Prague, Czech Republic (9/3 - 9/7)
  • Next S-2S regular meeting: TBD ( 9/16(火) 10:30- ? )
  • Workshops at Atagawa (9/23-25) (9/25-27)
s-2s_meeting_20140827.txt · 最終更新: 2018/09/25 02:04 by kanatsuki