The charge separation dipole magnets will be installed between target and magnet spectromters.
The APEX septum was considered to be modified to be used for the E12-15-008 experiment.
But, we decided to design and install new magnets (Pair of charge separation dipole magnets; PCSM) instead of the modified APEX magnet.

Drawings and TOSCA model

A septum magnet design modified from APEX septum: (TOSCA model made by Aida, Jan 2018)

MOD_APEX-SEP_17_20180108-1141.stp (designed by Aida, Jan 2018) (designed by Aida, Jan 2018)

SHN-8.sat (redrawed by Toshi, 0.2 MB, 2017)

SHN-8.stp (designed by Bogdan, 0.2 MB, 2017)

Original APEX septum: (57 MB) (7 MB)

SolidWorks (24 MB) (4 MB)

Related documents:

Document used for discusstion @JLab (Jan 28, 2019); magnet parameters and schedule

Document which was sent to TOKIN (Jan 28, 2019); magnet parameters

Document for the meeting with TOKIN (Jan 21, 2019); magnet parameters

Toshi's meeting document (Jan 7, 2019); bending angle (10 deg → 6.5 deg)

Toshi's note (Dec 31, 2018); bending angle (10 deg → 6.5 deg)

Toshi's document (Dec 09, 2018); schedule for design in this FY

Toshi's meeting document (Oct 03, 2018); PCSM design

Quotation request (Aug 26, 2018)

Toshi's meeting document (Aug 23, 2018);
about the PCSM quotation request (p. 11)

Toshi's meeting document (Jul 25, 2018)

Master's thesis of Aida (PDF, Feb 16, 2018);
an experimental design with the modified APEX septum

(Updated date: Jan 7, 2019)

後神 利志
Toshiyuki Gogami, D. Sc.

Graduate School of Sicence, Kyoto University