A photograph taken at the counting room of K1.8 beam line of J-PARC (November 7, 2015).
パイロットE05実験時にJ-PARC K1.8 ビームラインの計測室で撮影した写真 (2015年11月)。
A Ξ hypernucleus, 12ΞBe (a bound system of 11B and Ξ-) will be searched by the (K-,K+) reaction at the K1.8 beam line in J-PARC (J-PARC E05 Experiment).
There were old measurements with the same reaction, 12C(K-,K+), at KEK and BNL. However, they could not find a clear evidence of a bound nuclear system with a Ξ- hyperon. In the J-PARC E05 experiment, we will install a newly designed magnetic spectrometer S-2S (Strangeeness -2 Spectrometer). The introduction of S-2S allows us to achieve the energy resolution of a few MeV FWHM in a resulting hypernuclear spectrum, which would be the most sensitive measurement for a detection of Ξ hypernuclei.
A construction of the new spectrometer S-2S was completed. Detector commissioning is in progress. We are now developing an active fiber target.
Proposal (Status: Approved)
→ can be found at J-PARC's web page
Official Web Page
Personal Notes
Presentation files
Meeting minutes
S-2S Magnet
Magnetic Field Measurement of S-2S D
Detector test
Prototype WC test at ELPH (June 29-30, 2014)
Prototype WC test w/ cosmic ray (2014/2015)
New WC test w/ cosmic ray
Bucking coil test of WC PMT (March 29, 2016)
AFT test at ELPH (November, 2019)
Geant4 Simulation for one box of WC (July 21, 2015)
MC Simulation for Achiebable Resolution of S-2S (August 25, 2014)
MC Simulation of Active Fiber Target (October 2015)
TOF Detector
Aerogel Cherenkov Detector
Water Cherenkov Detector (WC)
Transmission Measurement at Kyoto Univ. (March 19, 2015)