Research Activities - Experimental Nuclear and Hadronic Physics
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Medium Effects
Spin Physics at Intermediate Energy
Spin-isospin Excitation by Charge Exchange Reaction
- (3He,t) Reactions at Zero Degrees and Gamow-Teller Transition Strengths
- Study of Microscopic Structures of Gamow-Teller Resonances and Spin-flip
Dipole Resonances by Decay Coincidence Measurements
- Spin-isospin Excitations by (t,3He) Reactions (NSCL-94002,96018)
- Spin-isospin Excitations by (6Li,6He) Reactions (RCNP-E68)
Isospin flip excitations in nuclei are closely related with beta
decays in weak interactions. For instance, Gamow-Teller transition, in
which both the spin and the isospin are flipped and the angular
momentum transfer is equal to zero, can be well investigated by charge
exchange reactions at zero degrees. As both incident and outgoing
particles are ions in such a reaction of (3He,t), the detection
efficiency and the energy resolution are high enough.
Then the coincidence measurements with decay protons or photons from resonance
states are powerful tools for us to elucidate these microscopic structures.
Moreover the transition strength determined by these reactions can give the
calibration of neutrino detectors which utilize inverse beta decays.
In order to study the excitation of beta+ side, the (t,3He)
experiments have
also performed using the secondary triton beam.
Nuclear Structure
- Measurements of Cluster Decays from Deep Hole States in Light Nuclei
The nuclear deep hole state is one of the high excitation states in nuclei
whose microscopic structure has not yet been well investigated as well as
those of giant resonances. This is correspond to the state in which one
nucleon of the deepest 1s state in the shell model is lacked. We have
measured decay branching ratios of p,d,t,alpha particles from s-hole states
of 11B and 15N which
were excited by the 12C,16O(p,2p) reactions. In light
nuclei, it is theoretically predicted that the decay scheme is different from
the simple statistical decay due to the SU3 spatial symmetry. The deep hole
state can give useful information on the decay scheme of hyper-nuclei
that are produced by exchanging a nucleon with a Lambda particle and is also
relevant to the measurement of nucleon decay in the large water cherencov
system. Data analyses are in progress.
- Elastic proton scattering from
4He at several hundred MeV(RCNP)
4He nucleus is expected to be have much higher density than the
normal saturation nuclear density. In order to get information
from the high density, we have performed the experiment of elastic
proton scattering from 4He with 300 MeV polarized proton beam
of RCNP ring cyclotron, and we have microscopically analyzed the data
with a relativistic impulse approximation.
Giant Resonances / Incompressibility
- Giant Monopole Resonance via Alpha Inelastic
scattering (RCNP-E112)
- Isoscalar Giant Dipole Resonance via Alpha Inelastic Scattering
Nuclear incompressiblity is one of the key physical quantities to
discern various nuclear models describing the fundamental nuclear
properties and phenomena, such as nuclear binding energies, explosions
of super nova and so on. Nevertheless experimental and theoretical
values contradict each other depending on their models adopted.
We have recently established a technique to obtain a clean energy
spectra of inelastic alpha particles in the giant resonance region
at extremely forward angles including zero degrees, and are trying to
fix the value of nuclear incompressibilities from the splitting of
the Giant Monopole Resonances(GMR) in deformed nuclei and isoscalar
giant dipole resonances in addition to the ordinary GMR's.
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Detection of phi Decays in Nuclear Matter(KEK-PS E325)
We measure phi-meson decays in nuclear media, both in the mesonic and
leptonic decay modes. By observing both decay modes simultaneously and
by examining a possible change of the invariant mass specra and the
branching ratio, mass shift of K and phi in nuclear media will be
The phenomena can be interpreted as a consequence of the partial
of the chiral symmetry in nuclear media.
- Target Multifragmentation
(KEK-PS E337, E393 / NIRS-HIMAC)
When high energy hadrons collide with a heavy target nucleus, low
energy complex fragments with A>6 are frequently emitted. This process is
called target multifragmentation and is expected to provide information on
the thermodynamic properties of nuclear system at high temperature,
for example nuclear liquid-gas phase transition. We, Multi group, have
been systematically investigating the target multifragmentation reactions
by using GeV-energy hadron beams obtained from the proton synchrotron (PS)
at KEK and the heavy ion synchrotron (HIMAC) at NIRS.
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Heavy-ion/Spin Physics at RHIC(BNL-RHIC)
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) predicts that heavy nuclei collided at
relatavistic energies will undergo a phase transition from ordinary
matter to a quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
at Brookhaven National Laboratory is built to create QGP, a deconfined
high-energy-density phase of matter. Besides the QGP detection, RHIC
also used for polarized proton collisions to uncover the secrets of
spin structure of the proton. Currently it is known that the three
do not carry all of the spin of the proton. The rest of the spin might
be carried by the gluons, sea quarks or by some as yet undiscovered
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- Construction of WS course at RCNP (RCNP)
In order to exploit fully the capability of the magnetic spectrometer of
Grand Raiden( momemtum resolution of 1/37000 ), we are constructing a
new beam line for the dispersion matching and angular matcching in
collaboration with a group in RCNP and the group of Osaka Univ.
In April 2000 the new cource will begin to provide a clean, halo free
beam for the giant resonance study as well as a high resolution
- Construction of Recoiled Particle Spectrometer -RPS-(RIKEN)
In RIKEN a new facility for accelerating unstable nuclei up to 400MeV/A
is under construction. By using the inverse kinematics we could measure
400 MeV proton elastic scattering from the unstable nuclei and obtain
the information of density distribution for nuclear structure study. A
preparatory work for the recoil particle spectrometer is on going.
- Detector R&D in the Laser-Electron-Photon Facility at SPring-8
A Laser-Electron-Photon facility which produce the multi-GeV polarized photons
by inverse Compton scattering of the short wave-length laser from 8 GeV
electrons is under construction at SPring-8. At the end of June, 1999, the
first laser-electron-photons have successfully been obtained and some
experiments of the quark-nuclear physics will be started from this autumn.
We are mainly taking care of large drift chambers for the tracking of outgoing
charged particles by the reaction and are checking them.
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