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後神が JLab が主催するセミナーにおいてハイパー核研究に関するオンライン講演を行いました

Hypernuclear spectroscopy is a tool to study baryon interactions with strangeness degrees of freedom. Missing-mass spectroscopy which investigates the energies at the time when the hypernucleus is produced is one of the most important methods for studying the baron interaction. New experiments are planned to be performed with electron beams at Jefferson Lab, U.S. (JLab) and hadron beams at Japan Progon Accelerator Research Complex, Japan (J-PARC). Magnet spectrometers, which are designed and constructed for the hypernuclear measurement in each experimental facility, will be used to achieve the best missing mass resolution in reaction spectroscopy of hypernuclei. We will provide high precision data in p-shell mirror hypernuclei to pin down the origin of charge symmetry breaking (CSB) in the ΛN interaction. In addition, ΛNN three body interaction will be investigated through accurate measurements of medium and heavy hypernuclei at Jefferson Lab. Physics-data taking for missing-mass spectroscopy of Ξ and double Λ hypernuclei with a 2-MeV resolution (FWHM) and X-ray measurements from Ξ-atoms will be carried out at J-PARC.
I will introduce hypernuclear research projects along with complementary studies by recent hyperon scattering experiments at JLab and J-PARC, and femtoscopic experiments at CERN and BNL. (セミナー概要より)
JLab と J-PARC におけるハイパー核分光を通したバリオニック相互作用の研究
Baryonic Interaction Study through Spectroscopy of Hypernuclei at JLab and J-PARC
後神 利志 (T. Gogami)
2024 年 11 月 25 日 (Nov 25, 2024)
オンライン + JLab (Online + Jefferson Lab)