後神がハイデルベルグ大学で開催された HeKKSaGOn-L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme, 2024 [HLSP] に参加しました (Gogami participated in HeKKSaGOn-L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme, 2024 [HLSP] which was held in Heidelberg University, Germany)
後神がハイデルベルグ大学で開催された HeKKSaGOn-L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme, 2024 [HLSP] に参加しました (Gogami participated in HeKKSaGOn-L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme, 2024 [HLSP] which was held in Heidelberg University, Germany)
2024 年 11 月 29 日にハイデルベルグ大学において HeKKSaGOn-L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme, 2024 [HLSP] が開催されました。後神は環境工学科の安井先生と一緒に Group B における議論をリードする形でドイツの大学で活躍する若手研究者との対談交流を行いました。
グループ B (安井 碧、後神 利志) Group B (Dr. M. Yasui, Dr. T. Gogami)
Emerging Contaminants and Acceptable Health Risks in Water
概要 Abstract
Proper management of food and environment is crucial to ensure the safety of human life and activity. Water-quality standards are determined based on the human health and environmental impacts. Additionally, economic benefits are significant considerations. For instance, nuclear power plants produce a great amount of energy, yet they must release tritium-contained water to the sea. The regulation for the tritium water is evaluated based on risks and benefits. Recently, discussions about the human health and environmental impacts of emerging contaminants such as antibiotic resistant bacteria, microplastic, PFAS, etc. have arisen. Local governments have to determine the water-quality standards based on the local economy and the environment as well as human health risks. We would like to discuss what global standards and acceptable health risks should be and what the researchers’ roles are.