News & Researchニュース & 最新の研究
2023.12.31会議抄録P. Klag, …, T. Gogami et al., “High accuracy synchrotron radiation interferometry with relativistic electrons”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2482, 012016 (2023)
2022.11.09会議抄録Y. Ichikawa, …, T. Gogami, T.K. Harada, T. Nagae, T. Nanamura et al., “High resolution spectroscopy of the ΣN cusp by using the d(K-, π-) reaction, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 02012 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録K. Itabashi, K.N. Suzuki,…, T. Gogami et al., “Study of Λn FSI with Λ quasi-free production on the 3H(e,e’K+)X reaction at JLab”, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 02006 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録K. Okuyama, …, K.N. Suzuki, T. Gogami et al., “Study of the Λ/Σ0 electroproduction in the low-Q2 region at JLab”, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 02003 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録F. Garibaldi, …, T. Gogami et al., “Studying ΛN interactions through the 208Pb(e,e’K+)208ΛTl reaction”, EPF Web of Conferences 271, 01007 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録T. Gogami, …, K. Ebata, T.K. Harada, T. Nagae, S. Takahashi et al., “Strangeness physics programs by S-2S at J-PARC”, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 11002 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録T. Gogami, K.N. Suzuki et al., “Cross-section measurement of virtual photoproduction of iso-triplet three-body hypernucleus, Λnn”, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 02002 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録T. Gogami, …, K. Ebata, K.N. Suzuki, K. Tsutsumi, E. Umezaki et al., “High accuracy spectroscopy of 3- and 4-body Λ hypernuclei at Jefferson Lab”, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 01001 (2022)