News & Researchニュース & 最新の研究
2021.12.12会議抄録T. Sakao, …, T. Gogami, T.K. Harada, T. Nanamura, K.N. Suzuki et al., “Study of Λ Identification Method by the π−p→K0Λ Reaction for a Λp Scattering Experiment at J-PARC”, JPS Conf. Proc. 33, 011133 (2021)
2021.08.05会議抄録H. Fujioka, …, T. Gogami et al., “Search for the Lightest Double-Λ Hypernucleus, 5ΛΛH at J-PARC”, Few-Body Systems 62, 47 (2021)
2021.02.05会議抄録T. Gogami, …, K. Katayama, T. Toyoda, E. Umezaki et al., “Accurate Λ hypernuclear spectroscopy with electromagnetic probe at Jefferson Lab”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2319, 080019 (2021)
2020.12.31会議抄録T. Gogami, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, …, T.K. Harada, K. Katayama, T. Nanamura, T. Toyoda, E. Umezaki, et al., “Study on the baryon interaction by Ξ hypernuclear spectroscopy with the (K−,K+) reaction”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1643, 012133 (2020)
2020.12.31会議抄録P. Achenbach, …, T. Gogami et al., “Status of hypertriton binding energy measurements at the Mainz Microtron”, Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure pp. 713—717 (2020)
2020.12.14会議抄録K. Miwa, …, T. Gogami, T.K. Harada, T. Nanamura et al., “Study of ΣN interaction from the Σp scattering experiment at J-PARC”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1643, 012174 (2020)
2019.12.31会議抄録R. Honda, …, T. Gogami, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, T. Nanamura et al., “Study of Y* in Nuclei through C(K−, π+)X Spectrum at 1.8 GeV/c in the J-PARC E05 Experiment”, JPS Conf. Proc. 26, 023014 (2019)
2019.12.31会議抄録Y. Ichikawa, …, T. Gogami, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, T. Nanamura, et al., “K̄ and nucleus system studied by 12C(K−, p) spectrum”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2130, 040017 (2019)