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2019.12.31会議抄録R. Honda, …, T. Gogami, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, T. Nanamura et al., “Study of Y* in Nuclei through C(K−, π+)X Spectrum at 1.8 GeV/c in the J-PARC E05 Experiment”, JPS Conf. Proc. 26, 023014 (2019)
2019.07.25会議抄録T. Koike, …, T. Gogami, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae et al., “Gamma-ray spectroscopy of single Λ-hypernuclei at J-PARC: Results and perspective”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2130, 020011 (2019)
2019.07.25会議抄録F. Garibaldi, …, T. Gogami et al., “Studying Λ interactions in nuclear matter with the 208Pb(e,e′K+)208ΛTl reaction”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2130, 040003 (2019)
2017.12.31会議抄録T. Gogami, …, N. Amano, H. Ekawa, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae, T. Nanamura, K. Takenaka et al., “Spectroscopy of nuclei with multi-strangeness by using new S-2S spectrometer at J-PARC”, JPS Conf. Proc. 18, 011031 (2017)
2017.12.31会議抄録S. Kanatsuki, N. Amano, E. Ekawa, T. Gogami, …, T. Nagae, K. Takenaka et al., “Construction Status of a New Spectrometer S-2S for Spectroscopy of Multi-Strangeness System at J-PARC”, JPS Conf. Proc. 17, 033008 (2017)
2017.12.31会議抄録M. Nakagawa, …, T. Gogami, S. Kanatsuki, T. Nagae et al., “Search for Excited State of Σ Hypernucleus in the J-PARC E13 Experiment”, JPS Conf. Proc. 17, 012009 (2017)
2017.05.09会議抄録T. Nagae, S. Kanatsuki, T. Gogami, H. Ekawa, T. Nanamura et al., “Search for a Ξ bound state in the 12C(K-,K+)X reaction at 1.8 GeV/c”, Proceedings of Science 281, INPC2016 (2017)