News & Researchニュース & 最新の研究
2022.11.09会議抄録F. Garibaldi, …, T. Gogami et al., “Studying ΛN interactions through the 208Pb(e,e’K+)208ΛTl reaction”, EPF Web of Conferences 271, 01007 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録T.O. Yamamoto, …, T. Gogami, T.K. Harada, T. Nagae et al., “X ray spectroscopy on Ξ- atoms (J-PARC E03, E07 and future)”, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 03001 (2022)
2022.11.09会議抄録K. Miwa, T. Nanamura,…, T. Gogami, T.K. Harada, K.N. Suzuki et al., “Recent progress and future prospects of hyperon nucleon scattering experiment”, EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 04001 (2022)
2022.09.15論文T. Hashimoto, …, T. Gogami et al., “Differential cross sections and photon beam asymmetries of η photoproduction on the proton at Eγ = 1.3—2.4 GeV”, Physical Review C 106, 035201 (2022)
2022.09.04論文T. Nanamura, …, T. Gogami, T.K. Harada, K.N. Suzuki et al., “Measurement of differential cross sections for Σ+p elastic scattering in the momentum range 0.44–0.80 GeV/c”, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2022, 093D01 (2022)
2022.08.31論文S. Li, …, T. Gogami et al., “Revealing the short-range structure of the mirror nuclei 3H and 3He”, Nature 609, 41—45 (2022)
2022.05.24会議抄録T.O. Yamamoto, …, T. Gogami, T.K. Harada et al., “X-ray spectroscopy experiments on exotic Ξ- atoms at J-PARC”, PoS (PANIC2021) 211 (2022)
2022.05.20論文B. Pandey, L. Tang, T. Gogami, K.N. Suzuki et al., “Spectroscopic study of possible Λnn resonance and a pair of ΣNN States using the (e,e’K+) reaction with a tritium target”, Physical Review C 105, L051001 (2022)