## Git ###############################
* add submodule
| $ git submodule add <src_url> <dst_path> |
* rm submodule
edit <git_dir>/.gitmodules
edit <git_dir>/.git/config
| $ rm <git_dir>/.git/modules/<dst_module> |
* update submodule
| $ git submodule update ^-i (--init)^|
* replace submodule
| $ rm -rf <dst_module> |
| $ rm -rf .git/modules/<dst_module> |
| $ git rm --cached <dst_module> |
edit .git/config
* change submodule position
edit these files
.git/modules/<dst module>/config
<dst module>/.git
* add new repository on GitHub
create new repository in WEB
| $ git remote add origin git@github.com:ekawa/<repo_name>.git |
| $ git push -u origin master |
* clone new repository from GitHub
| $ git clone git@github.com:ekawa/<repo_name>.git <dst_path> |
* conflict error
when conflict:merge error
| $ git reset --hard master; git pull |
at /usr/local
* do not open editor at merge
set environment variable
* install git under home
| $ ./configure --prefix=/home/ekawa/local |
| $ PYTHON_PATH=/home/ekawa/local/bin/python3.0@ make |
| $ PYTHON_PATH=/home/ekawa/local/bin/python3.0@ make install |
NOTE : in git 1.8.4 case python3 is necessary
* check tracked files
| $ git ls-files |
* recover removed file
| $ git checkout <hash> -- <file> |
| e.g. HEAD\^, ce36818a3a |
* rebase brew Formula
| $ cd /usr/local |
| $ git pull --rebase origin master |
* add new repository to private git server
make repository dir on git server
| $ mkdir ~/git_repository/<repo name>.git |
| $ cd ~/git_repository/<repo name>.git |
| $ git --bare init |
remote add on local machine
| $ cd <dst repo> |
| $ git remote add origin ssh://ekawa@yang.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp:\ |
| <port>/home/ekawa/git_repository/<repo name>.git |
| $ git push -u origin master |
if you want to use this repository on anotner machine, use git clone
| $ git clone ssh://ekawa@yang.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp:\ |
| <ip>/home/ekawa/git_repository/<repo name>.git <dst> |
* remove file from all history
| $ git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch <dst>' HEAD |
| $ git push -u origin master --force |
* download tag from remote repository
| $ git pull --tags |
* change remote repository URL
| $ git remote set-url <branch> <URL> |
% example
git remote set-url origin ssh://<usr>@example.jp:22/home/<***.git>