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== INDEX ==

## Mac ## * restart menu bar * F8~12 have error (Mission Control) * nfs mount server * multistage ssh * change Google Chrome font * change icons * permit ssh with X window * restart ssh daemon * enable super user * terminal color dark * download Xcode Command Line Tools * private file of Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) * hide Application Dock icon * remove MobileBackups * time sync on Marvericks * change local hostname * input combining charactor * image cropping by terminal * check registered printer IP * right click drag in touch pad * back to page from address bar (Google Chrome) * UNIX_TIME <-> time conversion * install LATEX by Homebrew ## Linux ## * authorized_keys * check the version of RedHat * install sshd by apt get * add sudo user * Lunar Linux virtio setting * set Emacs key bind * hide desktop icons ## Zsh ## * zshall * conditional expressions * Globbing Flags * Glob Qualifiers * Parameter Expansion Flags * error at complementation (Tab key) ## Git ## * add submodule * rm submodule * update submodule * replace submodule * change submodule position * add new repository on GitHub * clone new repository from GitHub * conflict error * do not open editor at merge * install git under home * check tracked files * recover removed file * rebase brew Formula * add new repository to private git server * remove file from all history * download tag from remote repository * change remote repository URL ## Vim ## * install vim with lua under HOME dir (Linux) * install vim with luajit instead of lua (Linux) * install vim with lua by homebrew (Mac) * install vim with luajit instead of lua (Mac) * install vim with python under HOME dir (Linux) * start without X server * modeline ## Tmux ## * install tmux under HOME dir * use clip board (Mac) * press Esc key immediately * show only 1 pane temporary ## Geant4 ## * install geant4 (Mac) * cmake src with ROOT * install VRML (Mac) * cmake error about ROOT * suppress G4ParticleGun messages * set filter for trajectries in macro ## ROOT ## * install ROOT with cocoa * change default setting * install ROOT with cocoa by homebrew * upgrade error on homebrew * change print size * change X range of TGrap * TText TLatex * change TStyle for some part * set file name for output in macro ## Homebrew ## * update error because of git * permission error ## Other ## * set htaccess on HP * rsync error for large size file * Gmail search option * atan2 (C language) * KEKCC batch queue back

## Tmux ##############################

* install tmux under HOME dir install ncurses  and livenent  (if needed) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | $ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/local/include \ | | -I$HOME/local/include/ncurses" LDFLAGS="-static -L$HOME/local/lib" | | $ make && make install | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * use clip board (Mac) +-------------------------------------------+ | $ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace | +-------------------------------------------+ use 'tmux-pbcopy'  at ~/.conf/tmux/tmux_bin/tmux-pbcopy * press Esc key immediately set-option -g escape-time 0 * show only 1 pane temporary resize-pane -Z default key-map : <prefix>z