KUANS is an accelerator-driven neutron source located in the East Building, Building 5, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University.

Thermal neutrons generated in this facility are used for various experimental research and material development. Radiography (CT), evaluation of shielding materials, moderator geometry, and development of cold moderators are mainly researched in this facility.

Recently, we have started basic physics research using neutron interferometry in collaboration with RIKEN.

Accelerator LINIAC
Accelerated particle proton
Maximum acceleration energy 3.5 MeV
Average current
(Maximum value in specification)
100 μA
Average operating current 30 μA
Pulse width ~50 μA
Neutron production target Be
Neutron energy Thermal
Neutron intensity at production target ~10^11 n/s
Thermal neutron intensity 10^3 n/cm^2/s (Flight length 2 m) L/D < 20