Cosmic ray test of water
Cerenkov detector @Kyoto (2015)
We designed and constructed a new prototype water cherenkov detector.
The new water Cherenkov detector has UV transmitting acrylic windows
on top and bottom sides, instead of normal acrylics.
Test experiments with cosmic-rays were performed to investigate performance
factors of the new prototype at room 319 in Kyoto University.
Experimental setup
Figure 1 shows an experimental setup for the cosmic ray test of the water Cherenkov detector.
The the prototype was sandwiched by two plastic scintillation detectors
which were used for a data-taking trigger.
The positions of the trigger scintillation detectors were changed to investigate
the position dependence (y-dependence) of the water Cherenkov detector.
Summary of experimental setup →
Fig. 1: A schematic of the experimental setup of the prototype test with cosmic-rays.
Log books
Note that this log is accessible in NH local LAN.
The above address might be changed.
- Run summary (ver. 13May2015)
→ pdf
→ xlsx
(Phase 1, 13 MB, run1 - run22)
(Phase 2, 27 MB, run23 - run60)
(Phase 3, 18 MB, run61 - run82)
(Phase 4, 18 MB, run83 - run97)
(All runs)
(All data + Analysis Codes)
- Memo on 2015/04/14
Assembly of water Cherenkov detector
- Memo on 2015/05/13
Assembly of water Cherenkov detector (2)
- Memo on 2015/05/17
Analysis of WC test in 2015 (Phase 1 and 2)
- How to take data:
On the DAQ PC (CC/NET) in Rm.319,
- $ cd /home/tof/camac/
- $ make
- $ ./ (The number of events you want to take) (Output file name)
- How to convert a data file (text file) to a ROOT file:
Copy the data file from the DAQ machine to the analysis machine
(which is also in Rm.319) as follows:
$ cd /home/tof/camac/data/
$ ./ (Data file)
Then, type as the following in the analysis machine:
- $ cd /home/sts/WCtest2015/data/
- $ root
- $ .x (Data file)
A ROOT file will then be generated in a directory of ../ROOT/.
Analyzer →